Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Wild about flowers!

According to a release from Shaun Roche, visitor services manager at the Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge, "Each spring the woods and fields of New England fill up with colorful wildflowers."
These include wild geranium, jack in the pulpit, Canada mayflower and others. 

Further, folks can take "an easy one hour walk with (refuge) plant biologist Kris Vagos to discover native wildflowers along the trails of Salt Meadow," the release said.

Participants will receive a growing pot and native wildflower seeds to plant at home, the release said.

Registration is required – call Ranger Shaun Roche at 860-399-2513 or email him at

The event is Sunday May 20 at 10 a.m. at Stewart B. McKinney Natl. Wildlife Refuge – 733 Old Clinton Road, Westbrook


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  : Albert Afraid of Hawk, 1899, Heyn Photographer (Courtesy Library of Congress NEW HAVEN — While Nick Bellantoni ,  emeritus   Co...