NEW HAVEN —The New Haven Job Corps Center has launched its fall recruitment drive to fill class openings, center officials said in a statement.
Young adults age 16 to 24 who meet specific income requirements can enroll in the program free of charge, the statement said.
Job Corps provides its students with academic and career technical training, room, board, and basic medical and dental services, it said.
"Our program gives students the opportunity to train in the careers of their choice, while still completing their educations through self-paced classes," Acting Center Director Patty Wooten said in the statement. "Job Corps offers students a variety of career areas, including culinary arts, advanced pastry and baking, stationary engineering, C.N.A., facilities maintenance, and carpentry."
"Each student receives specialized attention, ensuring they gain the skill sets and academics they will need to be successful in today’s competitive job market," Wooten said.
On average, students spend two years completing career technical training, while working toward a high school diploma or GED.
Job Corps offers students the Advanced Career Training program, which allows them to receive further training by enrolling at a vocational or community college at no additional cost. The New Haven Job Corps Center offers a wide range of career areas from which students can choose. Students also participate in athletics, community service projects and the Student Government Association.
For more information, call (203) 907-4300.
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