The program "has been re-named to emphasize the purpose of helping New Haveners build their leadership and organizing skills and to inspire leadership among new individuals and groups in New Haven’s neighborhoods," the statement said.
The Neighborhood Leadership Grant Program provides grants of $100 to $3,000, and training to individuals and civic groups to help them to carry out their agendas, the statement said.
It also supports projects that "improve life for residents and visitors to New Haven’s neighborhoods," the statement said.
The grant application, eligibility criteria and guidelines are available online at http://www.cfgnh.org/
Applications are due by 5 p.m. Feb. 11.
The Community Foundation this year "will prioritize grant proposals involving activities and events that support student achievement efforts by enriching the educational experience of children, youth, and/or families," the statement said.
"Priority will also be given to activities taking place in the vicinity of, or that benefit children, youth and families in the vicinity of the four K-8 pilot Boost! schools" - Barnard, Clinton Avenue, Troup and Wexler Grant - identified by the New Haven Public School System, as part of its school change reform efforts, the statement said.
"Although activities and events in other areas will be considered as funds allow, those activities that contribute to the educational experiences of children in the identified schools and surrounding neighborhoods will be given higher priority for support in 2011."
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