Further, "Never one to fall behind in fashion, Monroe will be tweeting about his experience once he arrives in the Elm City. Though he is new to Twitter, his messages are expected to be relatively erudite," according to a release.
The commemorative exhibit will open at the New Haven Museum on June 3, and run through June 24, 2017, the release said.
Monroe, fifth president of the U.S. visited New Haven June 20-22, 1817, visiting the large Eli Whitney arms manufacturing facility, the release noted.

"The exhibit is a joint project of The James Monroe Museum and The Papers of James Monroe, both of which are administered by the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia."
The New Haven Museum is at 114 Whitney Ave. For more information visit Facebook.com/NewHavenMuseum or call 203-562-4183.
Editor's note: All information and the photos in this post were contributed by the New haven Museum. Click one of the buttons below to share it.
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