NORTH HAVEN - The American Legion Murray Reynolds Post will sponsor a lecture and book signing with Milford author Elliott Storm at 6 p.m. April 16 at its headquarters, 20 Church St.
Storm will present a power point on the topic of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Storm wrote the novel “These Scars Are Sacred” to help the public understand causes and effects of PTSD and to help in the healing process for returning veterans.
The book is a top seller and 5-star Novel on Amazon, and has become a “must read” for health care professionals and others charged with helping a new generation of soldiers and civilians, organizers said.
Storm has lectured across the country, speaking to many orginizations, from veteran groups in California to the University of Michigan and the Naval War College. He also has spoken at Yale University.
Storm has put together a group of individuals who will talk on the subject.
Storm has served as the Judge Advocate for the American Legion District Two, and has welcomed various groups for support of his novel. For more information about thebook and lectures, visit http://www.thesescaresaresacred.com/ or Amazon.com
The book is a top seller and 5-star Novel on Amazon, and has become a “must read” for health care professionals and others charged with helping a new generation of soldiers and civilians, organizers said.
Storm has lectured across the country, speaking to many orginizations, from veteran groups in California to the University of Michigan and the Naval War College. He also has spoken at Yale University.
Storm has put together a group of individuals who will talk on the subject.
Storm has served as the Judge Advocate for the American Legion District Two, and has welcomed various groups for support of his novel. For more information about thebook and lectures, visit http://www.thesescaresaresacred.com/ or Amazon.com
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