On Dec. 1, the Town Green District’s Downtown Ambassadors will cover parking meters on Chapel Street from Temple Street to York Street with bright green bags marked with 2 hours of free parking., the release said. Ambassadors will begin bagging the meters between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m.
"The green bags are part of a holiday promotion by the Town Green Special Services District and the City of New Haven’s Department of Transportation, Traffic, and Parking to encourage people to visit Downtown New Haven during the holiday season," the release said.
"Each week, a different downtown shopping area is selected for the free parking promotion."
Remaining weeks for the promotion will include these dates and location, the release said:
8: Elm Street from Church Street to State Street; Chapel Street from
Orange Street to State Street; Orange Street from Chapel Street to George
15: Whitney Avenue from Wall Street to Trumbull Street
21: Chapel Street from York Street to Howe Street
28: TGSPSD will bagg one block of meters
per shopping district.
Also in the release: "The Town Green Special Services District is a business
improvement district (BID )funded by a sur tax on property in Downtown New
Haven to fund programs such as public space improvements, cleaning and
maintenance Ambassadors, INFO New Haven visitor center communications,
advocacy and www.infonewhaven.com website."
Editor's note: All information in this post was contributed.